Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tea Cup

This place received its name because it looks just like a tea cup! You walk down slick rock just a short way and arrive at moss covered rocks (that are very slippery). Then you slide down the rocks into a cup of water. It's deep and shallow, perfect for all skill levels.

Alex was TERRIFIED to slide down the rocks, and pretty proud when he finally did it.

Kazh, looking down into the jumping hole

Kazh in mid-air - a little scared!

Success!! And, Happy!

Look at these boys faces, they love it here.

Colton jumping. I snapped the shot too soon and caught just his feet! (see top left of photo)

p.s. Bailey likes it too.

Left Hand - with Blaize & Kazh

Left hand, again and again.....


Almost there....

You're getting it Blaize!


Colton and Blaize gave each other high fives in the middle of the air here. Unfortunately Blaize landed on his belly in the water :( Knocked the air right out of him. He recovered.

Love these little faces!

Family Reunion - Summer

I love my family reunions.

Colton playing the acoustic for the cousins

My beautiful niece Jessica

My seester, Tadan

My bro, Brandon

My favorite cousin, Cyd

Slippery slide.
Bailey on the far right is considering it, but really just wants her agaba back (that's the name she gave her pink ball which appears at the bottom of the blue portion of the slippin slide)

I apologize to anyone who feels left out from these pictures, my hubby had the camera and was taking the shots.

I regret to say there was a tragedy the befell me during this vacation. I woke up that Friday night with several big breaths filling my lungs. When we returned to our home, our beloved Meow Meow did not. I don't know what happened to my princess but I do not think she is a part of this world anymore. I believe my body knew it that Friday night when I kept waking up for gasps of air. Since her disappearance, I have been told that coyotes are often seen.

Meow Meow was the one who would wake me up in the morning 'starving' and meowing at me, begging me to feed her immediately even though she weighed more than Bailey. When she was done with her breakfast, she would wait by the front door and lick her front paws until someone let her out. She refused to go through the dog door. Even when the roof was off of our house, she had to be let back in via the front door. She was my onery, stubborn, Meow Meow and I will never find another that could ever replace her.

Left Hand - with Jackson

Left hand, why not right hand? Because when you hike up this awesome little mile and a half trail,
you follow the left hand fork in the creek...and you get to,

We like it here!
Colton and Jackson attempting the slippery slope up the waterfall

Zander (Alex's neighborhood buddy), Bailey, and Alex
so much fun!

Colorado River

This summer we were blessed to have my nephews join us. One week we had Jackson, the next week we had Blaize and Kazh. This is us, spending time on our boat on the one and only Colorado River.
Colton (13 yrs old) and Jackson (12 years old) in the kayak.
and another....too bad the scenery is so ugly...

Kazh (7 years old) and Alex

Me, Bailey, and Alex's right eye.
Bailey 1.5 years old

Alex 7.5 years old

Colton (yes, he is rowing the 16 ft raft!)

Blaize (10 years old)

Last but certainly not least, my handsome hubby (I made him smile for the camera)

Okay, I lied. ONE More of everyone, but me.

Graduating Boys

I am so proud of my two boys. Alex is moving on to 2nd grade this year. His performance at the Charter school was awesome. Shanon had to work and I got to be the lucky bear who heard this handsome person sing. He sang right to me, his eyes never left mine. I cried. How lucky am I to be this little mans mom. Had we not come on vacation to Moab in 2007. Had I not chatted with the man behind the counter at the Rock Shop, had I chose to not listen to my sisters and given him my telephone number, had he not called, this day would not have filled my memory banks. It's the little steps, the little things we do on a daily basis that could alter our lives forever. To get to be Alex's mom, is to say the least, AMAZING. P.s. Alex found a clip on tie to wear just like his older brother.

Now, Colton. He filled his last term report card in 8th grade with straight A's. He looked so handsome that graduating day. I am so proud of how far he, and I have come since I had him fourteen years ago. I love watching him turn into the man that he is becoming. What a light in this world (especially when I'm not around hahaha).

Nothin like Grandmas Lovin'

Momma love is good, Grandma love is better....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Grandma Millie Behrman

I had the opportunity to share Banana Creamsicles with this beautiful and fun 90 year old woman two weeks before she transitioned to the next world. All three of my kids were able to say hello, and goodbye, with a kiss on her warm soft cheek. The younger kids played with the wrap around curtains in her room while Colton and I listened to her reminisce about her years in Buena Vista and Leadville, Colorado where she graduated from high school. She looked forward to seeing her husband again. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about her life.

I held her hand almost the entire time I was with her. I love her so much. There is not a memory I have of her without a turned up smile spreading wide across her face, happy to see and chat with whoever was walking through the door.
I made a porcelain doll for her once. I called it Millie, after her. Belief it or not, I found it in her home. I looked through so many dolls that she has collected over the years which she loved dearly. I found it in her sacred bedroom of all places. She must have loved me too.

I was happy to hear that my mom was with her when she passed on June 23rd. My mom was holding her, washing her as she got sick on herself. My grandma wondered why she had to be so sick, she was a good person and a devout Jehovas Witness. My mom was there as her mom looked up and saw two of her friends awaiting her. In moments she was gone.
My mom was there.
My sister walked in only moments later, there for my mom.
What a blessing.

I love you Grandma, you are such a role model for me as a mom, and potential future grandma. I will always remember your exuberant smile and laugh. I can only hope that people remember me the way that I hold you in my heart. I do not mourn for you, because I know your spirit is not gone forever, but has only transitioned into another form, in another place.

I love you Grandma!!