Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blueprints for the New Earth

This one was started on 11/11. I worked on it again during 12/12. I put it away for a while to process everything that came through. Today it wanted to come back out.

I miraculously and accidently found the golden mean spiral or fibonnaci sequence which I have been looking for forever! You can see it at the top of the blueprint. 

Check out how the microcosm leaves line up with the macrocosm on the flower at the bottom.
I love my job!!!!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Vibration versus Frequency

Vibration is a wave of energy which flows through us.

Frequency is vibrations which we have chosen to hold onto for examination and which has solidified in our field of experience.

If we want to shift our paradigm we have to shift our frequency.

To do this, elect the highest vibration gifted to us in any ONE moment, which is always available, but requires our attention and action. Once we freely choose, connect in with (embody) and surf/flow with these higher vibrations long enough, our frequency and experience shifts.

Bear in mind that this releases the experiences that were carried with the original vibrations. When this happens, look at those experiences and connect in with the highest vibration that was also available and present during that time. This re-writes your human experience and aligns your energy body and physical brain neurons in preparation for what you are commanding to experience.

Midnight learnings for the last two nights.

In love with us.