Wednesday, November 20, 2019

My Commandments - November 2019

I am Nicole Cherie Finch, born into this dimension on planet Earth on August 31st, 1978 in Provo, Utah, United States of America. My great grandmother was 100% Cherokee native american on my maternal side. Our records date back to year 900 a.d. on my maternal grandfathers side. I am the great(er) granddaughter of Catherine of Aragon and Anna the Prophetess on my paternal side.

I command MASSIVE WEALTH and RICHES for myself and everyone I work with from all directions, dimensions, space and time and ALL layers of the organic human and multidimensional bodies.

I command that the frequency of liquid gold flood and alchemize all bloodlines, experiences, genetic disruptions that have, until NOW, prevented the Ascension of all beings on Earth in the order of the first people who find and work with me through to their connections and out.

I command that my Money is my Lover. Here whenever I need it the most, and holding back when the 'investment' is not the direction that We (as a couple) are to go.

I accept the marriage to my True Worth.

I command the embodiment and unification of my Worth in every moment, in every breath, in every word, in every emotion, from every angle and in every relationship I elect to fertilize.

I command that all of this be done in a way that holds the frequency of Health, Wealth, Bliss, Joy, LAUGHTER, Love, Freedom, Music, BEAUTY, Fun and an Abundance of ALL OF THIS and more than I can fathom.

This will grow from Now to the end of creation in ways that are for the highest good of all beings.

What I say goes.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Signature Temple Activation

Signature Temple was incredible to say the least. 

Me as High Priestess

Makeup! Why don't I do this more often? 

Me and Tia - High Priestesses for the Signature Temple Activation in front of the Altar

The Queen

The Map of the Dark Portal Activators
From Lorna J :

The residences of the Dark Portal Activators (the High Priestesses and the Tone Apostles) who activated the world’s first SIGNATURE TEMPLE with me on Saturday.

Plus the new portal that will be opening in a year when Colleen and I move to Tucson.

...And guess where I happen to be right now. Immediately after the event.
Because dark magic is real, baby.
You know when cops yell, “Out with your hands up! We have you surrounded!”
Hi, from the new Dark Cops of Consciousness.

We’ve got the Light Grid surrounded.


My Berlin client visited Cairo, Egypt and here are some of her pics.

I also have a guy ion FB who occasionally sends me live pictures that he takes from his house of the pyramids and tells me I am welcome any time. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Gateway - May 30th

Gateway continues and shadows become alchemized....

and AGAIN later today:

And there was a car parked at Lucky's with 777

The Gateway - May 29th

The Gateway continues....on my way to pick up my dress to the Signature Temple event in June.

And there is a unique never before seen four consecutive numbers - 6666

The Gateway - May 28th

It continues... 

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Gateway - May 27th

At the line at Starbucks this morning this morning. Pulled up right behind them. 

I can't believe this but I saw BOTH of these when I took my new Mac in to get serviced at the Apple store. One pulled right in front of me as I was walking in, and the other was spotted on the way out of the parking garage. What is really going on here? I am in a total black hole right now and getting closer to the center because it's starting to consolidate and I'm getting clearer and clearer.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Gateway - May 26th

It continues. 
Once in the parking lot at the mall while getting my eyebrows threaded.
Another after working for the rest of the day with Tia.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Gateway - May 21st

It continues - on the way to the grocery store after working all day.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Gateway - May 18th

This one was WILD! Two cars, right next to each other and both right in front of me. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Gateway - May 14th

It continues - while driving to the grocery store.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Going through the Black Hole that is Lorna Johnson

I am walking through a black hole right now. 

Tia and I went to Chicago to meet with the infamous Lorna Johnson who in my perspective is leading the Ascension. The Shadow Alchemy tool she has created is invaluable. When worked as as she prescribes, they are literally like turning broken and withered pieces of yourself back into Gold. 

On the way out to Chicago, Tia and I saw over and over binaurial codes on license plates of cares 000 and 111 over and over again. I do believe I may be going through a black hole. It sure does feel that way.

P.S. This is a picture of me sitting on a throne in Lorna Johnsons living room as I realize that all of my dreams are coming to fruition. This is the really real.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Butchers Guild

This is my first official client. It's Tia's company.

I've been having a hard time because, well, they are Butchers. I've tossed around the idea that I'll be part of the problem because I am involved. So I've done some work around it and had an epiphany last night.

Everyone is going through their awakening. Including the animals. We are going through this TOGETHER. There are no victims. We all chose to incarnate as we have, into the form that we did, to learn the lessons that we desired to learn.

The team players are demonstrating their skills, from all over the world! I get to be a part of it and I couldn't be more thrilled.

When each team player, including the animals, go through their ascension - it's going to be beautiful and so lovely to watch. The meat hook moment.

I love everything about this and am thrilled that I get to be a part of it. 

Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Ocean calls for me

This is the project I'm being called to. I see it, feel it, taste it, dream it. The Ocean Clean Up business comes to me constantly, with no regard to my human vessel. I'm exhausted. I'm elated. It works with my genius hand in hand, heart to heart.

This is the first of many projects.

There is something in Brazil.

Something in Egypt.

Something in Japan.

I hear you - I'm going as fast as I can. I am clearing all energetic blocks and resistances to reach you.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Here's to Endings (graduating NHI)

I can't believe this but I graduate from National Holistic Institute of Massage Therapy on Friday January 25th!

I have had soooo much fun through this process and am sad to see it behind me. I can't believe I made it through the entire 10 month program, it went fast!

Along the way I met the most amazing people my favorite fellow students; Joe, Nino, Aaron, Jamie, Daniel, Crystal & Tazhane My heart skips when I think about not having them in my everyday space and routine.

In June, while looking for an externship site, I found Erin Wallace with the Modern Mystery School. She ended up initiating me into King Solomon's lineage and a month and a half later I went through an intense Galactic activation with Martina Coogan of the MMS. Erin introduced me to her then assistant, Tia Holmes. I took the keys from Tia and have become a part of Erin's team.

Tia has become my business coach and one of my closest friends. We both came into the world under the same sun sign in 1978.  She introduced me to an Accounting program that I will use with my future clients to save them and make them money. Tia is one of those clients as of this month.

Seth met Liz Curiel at a golf tournament and she became my favorite massage therapist coach. She knows what she is doing when it comes to the body and what it really means to use massage therapeutically. She has now transferred into the role of client and is learning to receive.  I had a lot of fun practicing my confidence and massage skills with her at sporting events and quilting clubs.

I've also aligned with Lorna Johnson (via Tia) who, if I'm not mistaken, just may be part of the crew sent here to rock this world into the New.

I wanted to send a super shout out to the best NHI mentor to ever exist, Franki Menzel. Everytime I think about this angel I laugh. He is my favoritest ever. I don't think I would have made it through this adventure, this gift to myself, without this man in my world.  Thank you Franki. I will love you forever and always.
First client massage in my space

Thai will definitely be incorporated in my work
Hot Stone Therapy on the Chakras

Full Blood Moon & Solar Eclipse

Holy shit, I had no idea how cool the moon was going to be last night. I didn't realize we were going to be able to see it even! I don't know what I was thinking, maybe that it was going to be happening in the middle of the night or cloudy (which it was all day!) or what. I was lying there on the couch, we were watching Harry Potter and I noticed how fabulous my body was feeling. I could see the geometries at both ends of my spine at the base and at the top of my skull and all throughout my body. I said out loud - I sure do like the way this eclipse feels.

It wasn't two minutes later Bailey looks out the window and says 'Look at the moon!' Sure enough the eclipse was just beginning. We sat out on the deck and watched as it got darker and darker and finally peaked. I took out my pendulum of course and went to each of them connecting to their heart and then lastly to my own imagining the dodecahedron in each of us. The moon looked soooooo awesome! It was like this planet just sitting there. We are so used to seeing it white in the sky but this time it was red - it looked like Mars. Bailey said, 'Wouldn't that be cool if it floated down into our hands and gave us all of our manifestations right now and then turned into butterflies' I was like, yes. Yes it would be. hahaha!

The boys went inside first and Bailey and I had a moment to thank the Universe for allowing us to experience this. We walked inside to view it from the couch but as soon as we turned the corner, the clouds had already covered it! It had literally been cloudy and rainy all day. It's as if it came out to let us watch the earth's shadow cover the moon just for us to experience it. It was the most incredible thing I've seen in a while.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Queens Throne

I am in the process of eliminating everything that does not ignite joy in me. One big one is our dining room chairs, where we all sit for dinner, where I work from my laptop, where the kids draw day after day. The kids pick at the faux leather and they end up looking something like this. 

I asked recently to replace them. I wanted something that made me feel like royalty when I looked at them or sat on them. The next day I found these at a thrift store for $18 a chair.

I was so excited but didn't buy them right then and there. The next day I would go, as soon as Bai's friend was picked up from the sleepover. When she did get picked up, I loaded the kids in the car but then couldn't find my key. I spent the rest of the afternoon searching for them - I looked in the sweater I wore the night before, the pants I had been wearing didn't have pockets so they definitely weren't in there, I did three loads of laundry and organized all the cupboard in the kitchen. By the time I got done at 4:30 I decided I better call the thrift store and ask them to hold the chairs for me until I could get down there. They said the chairs had sold at 2pm. The time I would have been there had I been able to leave when I wanted to. Right after I hung up the phone, I found my key at the bottom of the laundry basket in my bedroom. It had no business being there. I don't use that basket, Seth does. I had nothing of mine in there. I cried. I didn't understand why that had happened. 

It didn't take long for my perception to shift. I know what I had asked for, and those chairs, even at that price, was not what I had asked for.I will find the right set - that was just a little reminder to me of my power. I went and found some sarongs that I've taken on the Green River, which do bring me a lot of Joy and I incorporated them into the chairs. 

I realized that had I purchased those chairs from the store, I would not have had an opportunity to say Thank you and Goodbye to the chairs that have supported us through the last few years. This was the first set Seth had purchased after getting clean. They mean a lot to our family and I truly am grateful. Each person tied a sarong onto their own chair, connecting with it and showing gratitude towards it. I'm glad I had this opportunity to remember what's important. 

AND I look forward to receiving my throne :^)

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Money Matters

The more I work with energy, the more I notice what I'm not acting in accordance with my divine sovereignty. For example; the wallet I've been carrying around for a few years is def not inspiring to open up and pull out cash or card. Look at how I have treated money in the past! 

 Seth's was the same way! When I told him it was time for me to upgrade, he said Me Too! Apparently he had a new wallet that had been sitting in his car for years but he's not taken the time to switch it out until I told him I was ready to receive more money and upgrade the way I treated energy coming to me in this format.

And so, I said "magic man, darling, I would like an inspiring wallet that makes me feel like Royalty when I carry it." And he said, "Here you go" and provided me with this - same day. 

I absolutely love it. AND it cost me $5.
From here on I will treat money as if it is my friend, someone I like spending time with, investing in, someone I am grateful for and appreciate so much. Because all these things are so very true.