Saturday, July 21, 2018

Bliss Music Festival, Hoola Hoops & Energy Work

Image result for bliss music festival concord

I had made the decision last night that I am done with alcohol and cigarettes. They do not serve me, my highest vibrational frequency or my mission here. They have destroyed the relationship between Seth and I. Today was a gift from God as an exchange of my release of these toxic curses.

Let me tell you about it. So I got out of bed, put on my big girl panties, and did my energy work. I called upon my highest vibrational frequency, my inner child, qwan yin to help in her healing, I called upon the masters of prosperity, abundance, wealth, bliss, laughter and fun having. I called them all in so that I may serve God in my highest capacity for the highest good of all. 
After that I had the idea to not go back downstairs or sit at the living room table but instead to take myself out to coffee. There was a coffee shop close to me, but another one much farther away kept coming to my mind. It was the Peets on Salvio street. 

I took my computer, expecting to get caught up on some client work. After getting my coffee I turned on my laptop and it immediately froze. I could not get it to work for me. I still had 2 hours before Seth would leave to work, and I did not want to go home. I've been feeling our relationship fall apart and I remembered what the ancestors had said in the reading last year so I didn't want to return until after he was gone. I put my laptop in the trunk and walked across the street to the park. 

I noticed there were hoola hoops on the stage and went over to ask what was going on. Lo and behold they told me they were having a music festival from 2-8 that they were setting up for. I asked 'do you need any help?' and of course, they did! I spent the rest of the afternoon with the Event Coordinator for the City of Concord and the two event planners helping them with whatever they needed. They had one booth responsible for making the hoops, but nobody had done it before. But I had! I showed them how to use the materials to do it and helped a little with the booth. I couldn't believe what I had landed into! I even got to tie ribbons around trees for decoration.  It was such a gift from god. 

Before the festival started, I went home and changed into festival like clothing and came back with my drawing supplies and my blanket. I drew for a little bit, but spirit was not about it. I kept messing up right at the point of center. Which was super interesting. I am seeing more clearly that the drawing takes place privately and not in a public setting. My job in public is to be present and in the here and now. It was a good lesson for me. 

I started to get pulled into a sad state thinking about the failed relationship with Seth and how I was about to become homeless and would have to call Shanon to keep Bailey. I was really seeing it, feeling it, totally immersed in that reality. 

Then I looked back at the hoola hoop station and saw my neighbor with her daughter making a hoop! I couldn't believe it. She told me about the anxiety her mom had carried and I asked if maybe I could do some work with her. At first, it was going to be a massage but her body was holding too much, so it ended up being energy work! Afterwards, she was so grateful and called me an angel. I gave her some energy working tools that she can use on her own.  Again, another gift from god. 

By the time I got home I was in such gratitude and blissed out.

I am here on assignment for God for the Ascension. 

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