Monday, August 6, 2018

Galactic Activation ~ August 4th & 5th

Galactic Activation was offered through the Modern Mystery School and my guide, Erin Wallace.

It was such an intense experience. My crystal, whom I've been working with for over 20 years and which will be buried in Egypt in (or as near as I can get to) the Pyramids, was there. It sat front and center as over 30 people had the last 2 of 24 DNA codons turned on. The visions I saw made it very clear that I am to work with the children. There was no doubt left in my mind that this is my role. So, I suppose, that's just what I'll do!

I also saw the result of what would happen if I decide NOT to do what I came here to do. I was shown the earth in two different forms. One was lit with fire, which is what will happen if I elect to not do my work. The other was pure heaven on earth. I choose the latter.

The wheels are a turning and the pen is put to paper. Let's see what comes out of this.

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