Friday, November 30, 2018

Thanksgiving with friends AND I am the Accountant @ Adventures in Gaia!!

Oh my goodness, I am so grateful and sad that I took NO pictures of our awesome Thanksgiving experience together. The thought came to my mind on Sunday 11/18  to invite Sarah, James and Krystle to Thanksgiving. They had being staying with David Hopkins and his wife for five days after the fires happened in Paradise.

Every time I see them, it's like I've been with them forever and it feels like home. They told me that Sevi has purchased a house in Willows and they are all moving into the house together to start the business. I'm going to need to go up there soon to

This was the first time I've had an opportunity to get to know Krystle. She is pure magic. In fact, the entire day was magic. My friends allowed me (and wanted me to) perform my sacred work with them. I was so honored and in joy that I created this and that even though I make really fucked up hard choices to align with my highest vibrational frequency, it always gifts me more than I could ever even imagine on my own.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Jumping Timelines

Last night I was studying the next level accounting program, getting ready for this next jump, and fell asleep hard. I was having wild dreams and then awoken hard and told to get up out of bed, make the bed, take my Ipad and get up on the couch. I was slow to get up and was practically kicked out of bed again, 'GET UP ~ YOU'RE GOING TO MISS THIS TIME LINE JUMP!"

I did what I was told and came upstairs. My butt was not even on the couch yet and the front door swung open so hard it startled me. Seth and I ended up spending the next hour chatting with tea about his work, my work, our goals, our path our family.

Had he come downstairs with me still in bed, we would have never ever had that experience.


Sunday, November 25, 2018

I felt my lover

This morning I felt my lover again.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Alex's 15th birthday

Today was Alex's 15th birthday. I can't believe I've been out here for 3 of his earth years.

I am making this big thing happen and there's in way that I'm not.

I miss my boys. I miss my family. I made a commitment to myself that this was do or die.

Happy Birthday to one of the most incredible divine masculine men that I will probably EVER meet. I love you to the moon my dear, so glad you are in my life and I get to be a part of yours.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What I'm calling in

Google map of the location of the fire in Paradise. Calling in the rain big time. 
And, par moi! 
I go through all these sections of my brain every morning as the sun comes up. I ask if I am in alignment with my highest vibrational frequency, wealth, health, abundance, peace, joy, laughter and love. In the locations where I am not, I pull everything that is in dissonance with those specific frequencies. I watch them shift through the sacred geometries and move out. Everything that is in dissonance, including belief systems, behavioural patterns, thought patterns, emotional addictions (yes, we CAN become addicted to our emotions because there is a chemical that is released when we have strong emotions). When I talk about calling in wealth, I'm talking about MASSIVE wealth. Not just enough to get by. I am calling in my TRUE galactic worth! Holy shit balls I am tripping out and so excited. Every single day picks up the pace. 




Limbic System

Limbic System

Limbic System

Limbic System

Ventricular System

Ventricular System

Bottle Oh Wine For Thanksgiving

P.S. if you still dont understand, read the label. 💖💖💖

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Clearing pain, suffering, poverty and replacing with....

I've been doing this work with my own body and now it's come to my realization that I'm the only one I know who does this and am extending it out to the rest of the planet.

This morning I dialed into California asking for the fires to calm and subside if it be the will of God.

I then zoomed into Mt. Shasta. I was informed that heaven on earth is going to get here one way or another, with the occupants on the planet or not, and was instructed that I might as well do what I do in ways that are for the highest good of everyone at a rate their bodies can easily assimilate.

I asked that all pain, suffering and poverty be pulled from the collective. I watched it go up and back to source. I asked that what we cleared be replaced with wealth, health, abundance, peace, joy, laughter and unconditional love. I watched all of that move into the collective. Oh that felt mighty nice. Then I did me, of course. Got to make sure I'm solid in and of myself in order to do this ongoing work. Oh I'm so grateful for the gifts I've been given and cannot really comprehend the magnitude of a job I've signed up to do. This is almost as nutso as standing on my head while giving birth to Bailey Sage!

This gives you an idea of what my work looks like. 

Later in the day : I waled outside to go give a friend a massage and guess what! Blue skies ~ Woot Woot, and....there is rain in the forecast for tonight!

Monday, November 19, 2018

3:33 am

I was awakened at 3:33 this morning to get started on my work. I opened up the fires location, then Google Earth and zoomed into it on the map. I took the laminated Icosahedron, my pendulum and asked, is it in alignment with the will of God that the fires in Northern California cease. I got a strong yes. Then I stated fires calm, fires subside. Pendulum swung strong no. I dowsed the icosahedron while breathing and imagining soaking the fires with water putting them out while saying fires calm, fires subside. I imagined my body as water and jumping directly on the fire putting it out. I did this until the pendulum swung yes. Pulling everything out that was in resistance to ceasing the fires.

After that I worked on the headache I've had since yesterday. Using the anatomy tool, I found the muscles around my left eye that is stressed. It's likely stressed because I have been moving my eyes from side to side and in the figure 8 sideways pattern in order to activate all parts of my brain while creating and calling in what I am requesting, while focusing on the vision - which is heaven physically on earth.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Subsiding fires in Paradise ~in alignment with God's will

Today I recruited the help of the Star Kids in a quantum field exercise. We took glasses with water which we programmed with Love. We lit candles and zoomed in on the area of Paradise where the fires have burned 140,000 acres since November 8th. We imagined lake Oroville building condensation in clouds above the fire and used our fingers dipped in the love water, aligned ourselves with the will of God and the center of Earth and dripped over the flames until the candles went out. 

Here’s some pictures. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Bubbling to the surface

I don't know if it was a combination of this neuroplasticity, my energy work with the brain + pendulum, the new regime at the gym, the fact that I officially changed my name back to Finch yesterday, the audible book I'm listening to about the power of habits, starting my period, opening up a bottle of my favorite wine, my overall disdain with the structure and habits formed in the relationship I have with Seth, my frustration with the speed in which I can go with this creation or if it was a combination of all of it but I kind of freaked out on Tuesday night.

I had a several minute lapse for a fork in the road choice, sit down with little man Ashton and take advantage of his eagerness to fold the clothes with me or freak out and send a long ass blob of a text to Seth throwing up all of what I was feeling while he is in the middle of resolving a POS system crisis at work. I chose the latter option. After mopping the floor, doing 3 loads of laundry, doing the dishes by hand since our dishwasher is out, making sure the homework was done, trying to keep our space organized and clean while it seems that everyone else just throws their stuff all over the place I sent him the texts. I was frustrated. Once the texts were sent, I proceeded with the evening. It felt like I had released something I needed to and now I was fine. I folded clothes with the kids and we went up and watched Brain Child on netflix.

Of course he came home and we fought. Then that night I found this really cool DMT music on YouTube and I worked through the different parts of my brain releasing everything that doesn't align with attracting wealth or which is in dissonance with having a partner who respects the relationship. There was sooooo much stuff in the righ5 eye and between Seth and I that I was clearing. Literally took me alll night until I got up at 4:30 to hit the spin class.

The easy things I am working on releasing in 3D: My favorite bottle of wine, Pinot Grigio. I like it because it's inexpensive at $5 a bottle and I have grown accustomed to the taste and feel of a wine glass in my hands at the end of a long the day. Any inefficient, disorganized, ineffective activities and or moments I have throughout the day. I’m literally making every second count right now,even “dream” time.

The interesting things I’m working on releasing, the desire for my relationship to be how I envision it being....the potential. Way back historical timelines oh my gosh and super scary things I didn’t want to look at but had to in order to clear and balance them so that I can progress towards this creation.

This morning on the way to school I begged for a reprieve for Seth and I. We got it! We ended up going bowling together as a family and had a lot of fun. Yes, there is still a lot of healing that needs to happen but I got what I asked for and am super happy.

Tomorrow we get to go see Kaison and my heart could not be more excited.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Spin classes + NeuroPlasticity in action

This morning I pulled myself out of bed at 4:30 to prepare for spin classes at 5:30. Super stoked I made it happen. This was another confirmation for myself that, yes, I am building this. There’s no question about that.

Thought + Emotion (In-Motion) = Reality.

I watched myself in the mirror busting ass and told myself that I am doing this. I make $10,000 or more per month helping people reach their goals. When there is a block or resistance in the body, That is a physical representation of the resistance to receiving the frequency of wealth in any/all forms.

There were many many times where I tried to talk myself into going just another 5 minutes and then I was good, I could quit and walk away. Then within that 5 minutes I talked myself back into completing the hour long class. Saying, you can do this, Nicole. You are a bad ass. You are going to create everything you say you are going to create. There is no doubt in my mind.

Tomorrow is yoga, the next day is another spin class. Hoping to meet Tia there.


Sunday, November 11, 2018

Escaping a burning Hell in Paradise

I think it’s super unnerving that people are burning to death in their cars trying to escape Paradise from the burning flames of hell.

Especially after the vision I got at the Galactic Activation in August. I was shown two options:
1. I don’t do my work = the earth burns.
2. I do my work = heaven on earth plush and green.

Steph Called me today to let me know that there was a Finch family farm that burned down in Utah. Seriously? I am starting to take this personally. I need accelerated assistance.

Portal 11/11/2018 (2+0+1+8 = 11)

Feeling blessed to be able to watch the blood red sun rise on this day. I am rewriting the scripts in my thoughts and words to align with my goals and taking actions that support the neuroplasticity to take hold in my mechanized brain so that it will submit and assist to my requests.

Sending my love to friends affected by the fires this week. I take responsibility that I wasn't present enough with our earth ship to stop her rage before it got out of hand.


Today I took advantage of the 11/11/11 (2+0+1+8=11) and pushed against my desire to fall back asleep on the couch and took the kids to the gym (I'm trying out a free 7 day pass) where we played racquetball. It was their first experience playing and brought back many childhood memories at the orem rec center with my kid sister and mom.

A few minutes b4 the witching hour of 11:11, we all sat down and stated what we were focusing on with our creative energies. Then we got up, hit the ball (representing our manifestations) against the walls. Focusing on them coming back to us and whacking them again. We laughed through the gateway.

Baileys manifestation, a house on a hill with views near a creek and green grass in the yard. Her golden retriever running around in the yard. My healing house off to the side (I shared my visions with her and she wrapped them into her own manifestation 2💖)

Ashton calls in being super kid and bailey to be healed after the ball nailed her in the eye.

My creation is bringing in a lot of money by helping people make a lot of money and saving money and facilitating their healing by guiding them in releasing those things, habits, behaviours and belief systems that don't serve or support their goals. Of course calling in the house on the hill that is big enough to have our large families there for the holidays and my round circle office off to the right and behind the residence where I will have my healing and accounting practice.

After racquetball, I dropped the kids off at the kids zone and ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes, scanning my body from head to toe for any resistance to reaching my goals. I command all resistance to dissipate through this process. I call in creation through the geometries Now.

P.S. I didn't mean keep your eye on the ball literally, Bailey lol..

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Subconscious and Conscious working together

Last night I dreamt of going to a conference in a gorgeous hall. All of the people I have aligned with this year were there, in their prime states, speaking and doing their things. Tia was cooking a fancy meal, Erin and Martina were in another part of the hall speaking to a group. I was holding many crystal skulls but one in particular stood out. It was orange and smiling.
I sat down at a bar and I started talking to another person. I told her about my position in the family of 7. How my mom had lost two babies before I was born. Then it was pointed out to me that a woman from across the bar had recently lost a baby. I talked with her briefly then showed her a picture of a baby girl that I was carrying around.
I went out back and down some stairs to the ocean. I watched as a topless mermaid beached then jumped back into the water. As I continued down the stairs,  I could see all the marine life under the water. Specifically dolphins, who I called out to with my thoughts. They immediately responded and I noticed they started communicating with each other from miles away to coordinate their interaction with me. I sat on the stairs and noticed treasures and gold pieces. I was instructed to take a couple but leave the rest because they were gifts for the marine life. I was still holding the picture of the little girl and a frame it was out of. As I walked back upstairs, the dolphins had surfaced and called out to me letting me know they were present for me when I needed them.
I walked back upstairs and woke up.
As I started writing this post Bailey came upstairs in her apron saying she woke up this morning wanting to be a chef....just like how my dream started out with Tia cooking.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Out with the Old ~ In with the New

I can't make this stuff up. Remember when I was cleaning out closets this weekend? Well, magic happened. I'm going to let the screenshots speak for themselves...

Alright, well, Seth didn't respond after that and I left the old never worn shoes in the closet at his request. I organized everything in all the closets and dressers.  At the end of it I barely made it before the thrift store closed with huge bags of 'I'm never wearing these things again' clothes. I was super proud of myself to say the very least. 

My neighbor turns out, was doing the same thing at her place and when I got back from the thrift store, she gifted me this couch that I put in the bedroom! I've always loved this style.

The very next day our friends, Luke and Evonne, invited us over to celebrate Luke's dad's birthday. On the way there, Seth tells me that Evonne had got a bag full of shoes from a client's garage who will never wear them. Guess what...they just happened to be Seth's size. Surprise surprise....

This is what Seth was gifted. Four brand new pairs of  $130 shoes. There is another pair not featured here because Seth has already started wearing them. 

Last night Seth came home. I was up and listening to the Accounting program class. I turned it off as he got into bed.  We sat there in silence for a while and then he turned to me and said ' I hear you about the shoes. I recognize that, okay?' Then he asked if we can keep the magic to a minimum. He was stating how every day doesn't have to be 'special' and then started getting angry when I informed him that to me, every day is magic and every moment is special. He started saying things like, why do we have to fight about this?! I replied that I wasn't fighting and that this is what I truly believe and not in a weird way, but in a way that supports my goals. I actually WANT to believe in magic and that every moment is special. It's what I want. He

kept saying 'Why am I getting so angry?' of course I responded with 'probably because you're addicted to the chemicals that are released from your pineal gland when you get angry.' That just sent him over the edge as he told me to stop with the rhetoric. Of which I did not respond and silently chuckled because it's highly likely that this statement is true and I brought it to his awareness so now he is responsible for it.

 The last thing I said was, "I'm glad you got new shoes because you deserve them. I love you, Goodnight and sweet dreams angel." Of which he responded, "Whatever". I love him :) 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The evolution of my business, mission and soul work

I have known for a very long time what I came here to do. I came here to raise the vibration of the planet. This has taken on many forms and has evolved and grown a lot over the years. I found these old cards while I was cleaning out the closets and getting ready for the new.

This one was painted in watercolor while waiting for Seth to come home.  I pretty much zoned out and didn't know what she looked like until she was done. The little ball in her hand is the earth. She has the sun at her third eye. Seth came home that day with flowers for me that matched the color of her body. I created this business card at age 25 when I was working as a principal at MCF & Co. in San Francisco. I quit the firm and the industry in 2005 when I predicted the market collapse of 2008, three years early. I lived off my stock options for the next 2 years while I moved back to Utah and regained my footing and mission focus. 
This one was next. Chris Kepler, a friend I met at the Advanced BioGeometry class in Canada in 2006, helped me design it. This was during the time I was being trained by the Egyptians on how to work with the pendulum, bring in the energy qualities found at sacred sites around the planet, and balance the energies in the home. I was just learning how to build the octahedron around the body and later how to shift it into the star tetrahedron and spin it in both directions while manifesting. 
This is my most recent business card, but it too will evolve to include a back side and the title 'Financial Master' or something like that. The name will come to me when it's time. 

As my business zips into place I realize that everything up until this point is balancing and integrating into one. My spiritual practice and knowledge is intimately interwoven with my professional knowledge and practice. I truly am an ascension guide. My ascension includes making bank while assisting individuals and businesses in making a lot of money for themselves! As a side, I will be working with individuals and who knows maybe businesses, in releasing everything that is not in line with their mission and goals. The excitement of this creation gets me up every single day to watch the sun come up in the morning while calling in my goals and aligning with Source. I am loving the journey. I am loving the challenges and I know beyond the shadows of doubt that I what I am creating is more real than the perception of what is in my every day experience right now. 

Bring it!