Monday, November 19, 2018

3:33 am

I was awakened at 3:33 this morning to get started on my work. I opened up the fires location, then Google Earth and zoomed into it on the map. I took the laminated Icosahedron, my pendulum and asked, is it in alignment with the will of God that the fires in Northern California cease. I got a strong yes. Then I stated fires calm, fires subside. Pendulum swung strong no. I dowsed the icosahedron while breathing and imagining soaking the fires with water putting them out while saying fires calm, fires subside. I imagined my body as water and jumping directly on the fire putting it out. I did this until the pendulum swung yes. Pulling everything out that was in resistance to ceasing the fires.

After that I worked on the headache I've had since yesterday. Using the anatomy tool, I found the muscles around my left eye that is stressed. It's likely stressed because I have been moving my eyes from side to side and in the figure 8 sideways pattern in order to activate all parts of my brain while creating and calling in what I am requesting, while focusing on the vision - which is heaven physically on earth.

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