Monday, September 3, 2018

Star Kids Rule numero uno: In ways that are for the highest good of All.

Tonight’s trial lesson with the star kids started with rule Numero uno when managing our vibration. 
We learned and became aware of the function, location and resonate color association of the seven main chakras in the body. My kids already know how to draw the flower of life, but in the class, I will teach the other kids how to draw this first. Tonight I showed them how to pull out the octahedron from the foundation of the fol. The octahedron is the Platonic solid associated with the element of air. I showed them where the points of the octahedron are around the body and how to breath into and out into this shape through our hearts. 
The kids came up with so many ideas which of course was their favorite part. They may just teach me more than I could teach them. I can only imagine what I’ll learn as more kids join in. I can absolutely not wait. I am so excited.
Thank you everyone who has already donated to this program. I will be buying supplies with what I have so far (compasses, hoola hoop making material so we can get a visual of what it looks like to spin the shapes around us, balls to practice and much more). I have to start these classes now. I know that the end goal = non profit establishment is coming and I thank you all for your support. Thank you for helping me help our children remember their divinity and remember that we are all in this together. Any contribution you have is super helpful and you know I’ll be sending you some angels and guidance to help you on your journey too!

To support this program, PayPal me @ or contribute to the Go fund me campaign here:

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