Friday, September 21, 2018

Why I love Sacred G

I am a super sensitive empathic person. I feel everyone.

Going into a grocery store or a crowded department store has historically been overwhelming to me to the point where I would rather stay home or live in a town 4 hours away from everything. The flower of life has been super helpful, for me. I utilize its shape as a way to organize the frequencies associated with emotions, thoughts and experiences of myself and the people around me so that I don't have to feel everything. I utilize it as a shield to separate my experience from everyone else's so that I know what's mine to work on, and what they get to keep as their own to work on.

The platonic solids that you pull out of the flower relate to the elements of our planet; Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit. I inhale these shapes and exhale these shapes. I'm weird that way, but it works for me. I incarnated to help the children who are like me. I came to learn, to experience and to teach. Being a star kid doesn't mean you have to be a certain age. I don't care if your 90 yrs or 9 months. We are spirit incarnate in a physical vessel experiencing these bags of mostly water in and around us. I'm not saying I don't forget to use what I know works, because I do. I get triggered, I get irritated, I forget. When I remember though, it always in all ways brings me back to center. To the very first circle created. That's why I love it.

Today, the kids and I finally mapped the Flower of Life locations that I am aware of so far. The locations kinda looks like a river, which doesn't surprise me.

Thanks for the Blues Clues!#CarbonDatedTenThousandYearsAgo

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