Ascension for all is the goal.
To be clear, Ascension to me is letting go (releasing) of everything which does not serve your highest vibrational frequency and this allows you to be who you are and share that with all others for the highest good of everyone.
I will be passing the MBLEx after 500 hours at NHI. That will certify me for physically working with people. I am starting to wrap my head around the idea of this being a business. That's so different for me because I am passionate and love this work so much.
I may have found a space to rent in Lafayette for $10 an hour. I am looking at it tomorrow. I won't be signing anything until at least September after the bulk of the planets have gone direct. This pause in time will allow me to get my stuff straight and organized more fully. For example, I'm wondering if I need to make the PendyMagic blog more business style and the UnifiedVibration blog more of like an online journal of my personal Ascension process.
I called on getting a peddler's permit so that I can set up a massage chair at the park and build clientele. I called the County and the Sherriff's office but apparently will need to get it through the City. I will be doing my energy work to bring the people whom I will be working with in (similar to how it worked when I found the Bliss festival last weekend). This information is coming in each day, one step at a time, which I am grateful for.
There is going to be a bit of a lag, which is why I am looking for temporary part time work so that I can pay my bills. God won't allow me to get a permanent position. I have been molded and shaped for the Ascension. I am not allowed to waste any more time on distractions like that.
Here's what the session looks like in my mind:
I arrive at the space, I call in protection and healing for the highest good of all with Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, the Master of Light and any other being of light that may need to come in to assist in the healing. I call in the directions. I place the geometries around the rooms.
Client arrives. I greet and sage them at the door. I take payment. We enter the space and I offer tea. I have the client set the intention for the meeting by lighting a 1 hour candle. We have a discussion about what they are experiencing, what they are ready to create, and what they are ready to release. I watch their body and energy field to see if anything comes up and to evaluate the direction of the session and come up with a game plan.
I call in their highest vibrational frequency and their inner child. I call in Kwan Yin to comfort the inner child should she/he need it. I do an assessment of their auric field and chakras, walking in a clockwise direction to see if anything comes up.
We schedule their appointments around the moon cycle depending on what we are going to do.
I don't know about pricing yet ~ that will be disclosed in time.
The session ends right around the same time that the candle goes out.
Client leaves, I release the help, thanking and honoring them. I sage myself out and lock up shop.
Sounds beautiful to me! (Thanks my wonderful star team I kinda dig you too) I know what's coming and I know what I'm pulling in. I'm trying to go as slow as I possibly can so that I don't miss any steps along the way.