Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ancestral reading

This Ancestral reading came through from Nate Hanschen for my 39th birthday today. 

These are the elements that were cast. Nate said it was the most that has ever come out.
See the red pyramid stone in the middle? He said he has never cast it in over twenty years that he has been using this gift.
Here's the description of everything:

Theme of the divination: Space, Balance, Needs, and Wants, and learning to do what they were not taught by their parents as Relationship Skills. (both have done their best with using what worked in the past, but those relationships ended because what is needed for a Lasting Relationship is a Divinely-supported structure based on their individual gifts and calling.) Is the relationship ending or will both people give birth to it (since there is not a child they created together and can reference to each other through, what is bonding them together in that space? Each person will create a Needs and Wants list in 24 hours, be completely honest about it, share it with the other, and keep it for future assistance.

Vine: Don’t be a parasite, stand on your own feet and learn what your own strength is. It is different than holding onto the tree. Learn to draw on this new kind of strength, it will be needed for new situations and growth. The vine can be quadrupled back on itself and woven to make a strong rope, but the rope needs space to show its strength to grow taut! Seth said that space depends on the definition: Nicole wants less space and misses Seth, Seth is tired and has to work nights. Neither shares the same space with each other and the current structure of work and schedule is reinforcing the lack of balance by different spaces. Nicole said she would try to give Seth all the space he needs and Seth acknowledges that he heard Nicole saying how much she missed intimacy, but that his sex drive is absent. He is missing something inside (see Obsidian shard) and Nicole will try to give him the space for that to return and heard that it is his issue, not hers. A rough paradox that the Ancestors honor but want to help resolve.

Ammonite: Get rid of unneeded belongings, it is baggage blocking new manifestation. Even if it’s in a different form, perhaps computer files, cd’s, anything that has been outgrown and is not helping the family needs to go.

Red pyramid stone: Time for Ascension is now, this life, it’s already happening. This homework will help get to that next level in life, you don’t have to wait for future lives to do what you really want to do.

Quarter: Since neither of you had good role models in money management, you can give birth to this skill and grow together as a team in it. Do not fight over it or compete, this is an area of great communication and balance if you allow it. Nicole mentioned not making as much money as Seth and this being an imbalance, it encouraged that she be in charge of starting a savings account. Track and honestly follow what the monthly expenditures are, without judging. Then create a budget. Then set monthly goals. Last step is to look for waste and increase the definition of what waste can be- this is a mirror of what the Ancestors show to be romantic wasted potential in the heart. Eliminate waste in the home and look for ways where opportunities for love were wasted.

Garnet: Overindulgence. Nicole over indulges her propensity to get impatient, Seth needs to cut back a bit on alcohol and use that time and energy for others. If he wants to take care of himself, nourish himself in a way that promotes his growth and future in the family, he can work with plants (see Obsidian shard.)

Key: Homelessness and the energy of the home. Right away Seth said he would stay, Nicole said maybe, maybe not but when pressed by the Ancestors realized it had nothing to do with the house, it was her angry at Seth clouding over into every issue. That is the game she has to stop playing with herself (see Coyote piece.) The home has too much anger, it needs to be saged and cleansed because the kids also pick up on that energy. The house also needs plants that Seth will tend (see Obsidian shard) and also needs to be cleaned out (see Ammonite)

Coyote: What game are you playing? Nicole will work to look at all of the ways she is angry and projecting that into other areas. Nicole was honest about wanting a child with Seth and still having unresolved feelings after Seth and her talked in the past and will clear that. She will try to channel her anger productively (it’s hard to have sex with someone who is angry at you!) Seth’s game is being too complacent with how things are and for blurring the line between comfort/contentment and not taking initiative in the relationship. Nicole was crying and stated she feels Seth doesn’t listen sometimes and things move ahead when she is unsatisfied. He will use his management initiative not only at work but also at home and not wait for Nicole to get angry before communicating and responding to a problem he sees. Both will use their Needs and Wants list honestly and fairly, and compromise to make the relationship enjoyable, rewarding, and what they wanted it to be. Or they will keep playing games and the relationship will end. The seeds of growth are too powerful to be ignored, if both people do not take ownership of what the Ancestors are pointing out and work on it, their higher selves will push each other away permanently in an attempt to finally change themselves since they won’t be distracted by another person. However, it is easier to change when you have someone else’s support who loves, understands, and believes in you, so remember what you saw in each other and why the Ancestors answered the call to help. Both persons said aloud that they loved each other and wanted only the other to be with romantically in their life.

Otter: Learn to make difficult changes rewarding, literally turn them into a positive game. Play this game instead of the wrong games (see Coyote) and learn to play together! Play in sex, play in money management teamwork, play in parenting, play in making the home changes. Most importantly, play with the Wants and Needs instead of making it a power struggle. Fun has been missing for too long! You are both hard working and need to honor yourselves and each other for that through bringing in more fun in the everyday, mundane tasks. Get silly, or get old prematurely. Easy choice!

Obsidian Shard: Remember an ancient skill of working with one’s hands. Seth enjoys working with plants and will get into horticulture to feed his creativity, recharge his batteries, and Nicole will give him the space to do it and let him have this as an uninterrupted (see space) hobby. The sacral (sex) chakra is also about creativity and for Seth to resolve issues within himself about his sex drive, he needs a practice where something gives and does not take from him. Seth must do this horticulture if he really wants to change the patterns that are forcing them apart, he needs to receive simple energy one-way so that he can spend time with inner dialogue and listen more closely to the Grandfathers (see Green stone)

Green Stone: Magic of the Grandfathers. Neither person has strong elder or parental support going forward, and this is also unbalancing the home and each other. Men cannot really understand in their own soul what a woman goes through, the same way women cannot understand in their own soul what men go through. Seth needs elder male strength and support, and by gardening he will be able to tune into that kind of strength if he is open in his spirituality and trusts that the Ancestors are not only concerned with him, but also his family.

Small Stone: By gardening and listening to the Grandfathers in his inner dialogue of having a quiet hobby time, Seth will develop a more attuned way of seeing things that is different. His third eye (think of basic emotional 6th sense) will develop and be aware of other’s having a difficulty before they speak up. This will help the relationship, which requires initiative and not waiting until the problem is too big to correct. This is not an area Seth feels comfortable with or is drawn to on his own but nevertheless it is a seed growing in his life and it needs direct attention and work on his part. It will help in all areas of his life.

Yggdrasil coin (flipped over) says release the dead. Nicole already mentioned about wanting a child with Seth, and the spirit of the child that came through said that she didn’t need to stay here to do her job, it was to bring the both of them together and that they individually were in different places regarding having another child and for that to be honored. Yes, they could have forced having another child to work short-term but it would not have necessarily strengthened the relationship, what is called for instead is the commitment to re-couple and learn what is needed now in that void between them. If they decide to stay together, the opportunity for the most awesome kind of relationship is possible through this very clear game-plan (see Otter!) that the Ancestors laid out.

White cowrie shell: You will heal! Help has already gathered (this game-plan) all around you and your body is designed to heal invisibly. You don’t have to ask, “will I be healed?” just do this homework.

Purple stone: Allies/spiritual work you have been drawn to but afraid of. Both books and the Akashic Records came up. Ancestors advised being careful with the Akashic records and starting with books first. Only ask for the Akashic Records that are appropriate to see, don’t snoop or spy on others, that is a violation. With great power comes great responsibility.

Remember you can always ask the Ancestors for guidance over any issue. You may not like the answer right away but they go to the root of the issue and want to give the most lasting help, not something short term or confusing.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Total Eclipse - August 21st 2017

Going to try to break down this eclipse experience as quickly as possible. Chasing the light my friends ~ we are in for a treat!

1. Left the house with all my supplies

2.Arrived at the campsite

3. Skinny dipped under the stars with strangers

4. Rented a boat and miraculously found uninterrupted slivers of heaven in the lake which we spent hours swimming and fishing in.

5. Inspiration to hoop in my tetrahedron caught the attention of 13 extra kids.

6. When one saw me whipping my magic whip the day before and asked me about it right then I was gifted an impromptu opportunity to teach children how to work with their energy body. They were all standing around listening to how to work with your energy body. When i was done, one little boy about 5 years old asked "can we leave now" and I said "any time sweetheart" he came up to me and held my hand. Bailey was blown away and told me that was amazing and how it should be.

7.Seth caught his first fish and hurt himself running back to the site to tell us. #HeIsCute

8. Bailey met a friend at the playground and ended up exchanging crystals with her on the last day (seriously who does that?)

9. Bailey walked up to within 3 feet of a deer. I'm showing her how to connect to other beings through her heart.#SheTeachesMe

10. With baileys help, i buried and left one of my favorite crystals which i have worked with for almost 20 years at the headwaters in mount shasta.

11. Swam under the stars with the whole gang and then more with just us girls - last night

12. More energy work and connecting to my light tribe this morning

13. Made it to the lake for the start and stayed in the water for most of the eclipse. It got cold at peak, and gray outside. I had to get out and sit on the ground because I felt like I might get sick trying to process all of it in the water, or drown. #ThankgodForSolidEarth

14. Ashton reminds me to crack my whip right after the peak - which was exactly what I (we) needed.

15. I connect to source, to the earth, to the future and the past, to the masculine and feminine aspects in each of us. At the moment of each crack I bring in sacred geometries flowing through me. At this point I'm dizzy and barely able to stand. It was a LOT of energy. But I did it. There are people around and when I'm done, they ask me why. And I tell them how we as a planet are moving into a higher frequency and how Im here to help and give them information on how they can help by watching their choices in each moment and choosing the highest vibration possible right then #WeAreinThisTogether

16. While returning the life jackets at the marina, I was gifted an opportunity to be christ conscious with a stranger who fell in front of me and cut her foot open. I cleaned it, neosporinned it, and bandaged it up.

17. On the way out, at a gas station, I meet 2 horses on their way to transition from this world and am gifted with an opportunity to connect them to source. One was filled with cancer, and ready. The other was 2 years younger than I and not ready. I connected him with an old friend who he loved in his younger years who will meet him on the other side. #Blessed

18. I saw my lover with new eyes, again.#IKindaDigHim

19. I am still buzzing.





The love of my soul

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

New Earth FAST Approaching

I feel like I'm a confetti toy being pulled from both ends and about ready to burst through. We leave for Mount Shasta tomorrow. Camping at Antlers campground. I will keep you posted.
