Friday, September 28, 2018

Star Kids Lesson on Chakras, playing with energy using a ball, nature creations and choosing from our heart

Calling all Star Kids, calling all Star Kids. Report to base, report to base.

Yesterday we learned about how to play with energy using a ball bouncing between us. Pretending it was a thought or feeling, good or bad, and sending it to someone or the universe. Watch it come back to you. When you get good, it comes back to you in multiples, be aware of what you send out! That can sometimes be a tricky lesson.

Next we learned about the chakras. When light hits our bodies, the light is refracted. The lowest vibrating color is red and vibrates with the lowest chakra in our body at the base of our spine, the root. Moving up, the vibration of the color gets higher and moves up the rainbow, until you reach the top of your head at the crown which resonates with one of the gifts given to jesus the christ, gold.

Lastly we each closed our eyes and let our heart pick an animal card.

We are starting to incorporate nature creations at Bai's suggestion (and the suggestion of the tree we sat under who kept dropping leaves directly on our heads).

Update: This program is free to all Star Kids going forward and will be posted on MeetUp so that we can open the doors to anyone who wants to play, create and learn and so that we aren't limited to one location or one day of the week. Looks like we are flowing with the organic nature of the Uni-verse!

In full time service to the creator,
☆Nicky the Star Kid☆ with ☆ Tia the Star Kid ☆


Monday, September 24, 2018

I release unworthiness

This full moon I release my prior commitments to unworthiness and accept the wealth from the creator of all that is and value of my divine gifts.
Platonic solids starting at the bottom and moving clockwise; earth, water, air, fire and above it all, spirit.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Why I love Sacred G

I am a super sensitive empathic person. I feel everyone.

Going into a grocery store or a crowded department store has historically been overwhelming to me to the point where I would rather stay home or live in a town 4 hours away from everything. The flower of life has been super helpful, for me. I utilize its shape as a way to organize the frequencies associated with emotions, thoughts and experiences of myself and the people around me so that I don't have to feel everything. I utilize it as a shield to separate my experience from everyone else's so that I know what's mine to work on, and what they get to keep as their own to work on.

The platonic solids that you pull out of the flower relate to the elements of our planet; Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit. I inhale these shapes and exhale these shapes. I'm weird that way, but it works for me. I incarnated to help the children who are like me. I came to learn, to experience and to teach. Being a star kid doesn't mean you have to be a certain age. I don't care if your 90 yrs or 9 months. We are spirit incarnate in a physical vessel experiencing these bags of mostly water in and around us. I'm not saying I don't forget to use what I know works, because I do. I get triggered, I get irritated, I forget. When I remember though, it always in all ways brings me back to center. To the very first circle created. That's why I love it.

Today, the kids and I finally mapped the Flower of Life locations that I am aware of so far. The locations kinda looks like a river, which doesn't surprise me.

Thanks for the Blues Clues!#CarbonDatedTenThousandYearsAgo

Star Kids Lessons ~ Folding clothes

Tonights Star Kids lesson....folding clothes. Yes, we are still normal. 
Q: what did the farmer do when spring came
A: He wet his plants


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Star Kids Lesson numero uno. Vibration/Resonance/Thoughts/Words/Water/Earth/Human body

First Star Kids class was a complete success! The foundation of this class starts with this first lesson. What vibration is, our bodies relationship with the earth, and how our thoughts and words affect the water in our bodies.

Did you know that both the earth and the human body both consist of 70% water?  
We took the findings of Masaru Emoto and wrote words on water bottles that we want to resonate with. If you don't know about his work, I highly encourage you to check it out.

Next week we learn about the musical rainbow inside our bodies. Huge thank you to Tia Harrison Holmes for all of her support and help. I super appreciate you.
Notice the shirt that Seth dressed Ashton in today, knowing it was the first day of the Star Kids Program. Let's watch what happens to the energy of the group.

Update : The following Monday I got a call from the girls mom who wanted her money back saying that her girls weren't taking it seriously. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Star Kids Rule numero uno: In ways that are for the highest good of All.

Tonight’s trial lesson with the star kids started with rule Numero uno when managing our vibration. 
We learned and became aware of the function, location and resonate color association of the seven main chakras in the body. My kids already know how to draw the flower of life, but in the class, I will teach the other kids how to draw this first. Tonight I showed them how to pull out the octahedron from the foundation of the fol. The octahedron is the Platonic solid associated with the element of air. I showed them where the points of the octahedron are around the body and how to breath into and out into this shape through our hearts. 
The kids came up with so many ideas which of course was their favorite part. They may just teach me more than I could teach them. I can only imagine what I’ll learn as more kids join in. I can absolutely not wait. I am so excited.
Thank you everyone who has already donated to this program. I will be buying supplies with what I have so far (compasses, hoola hoop making material so we can get a visual of what it looks like to spin the shapes around us, balls to practice and much more). I have to start these classes now. I know that the end goal = non profit establishment is coming and I thank you all for your support. Thank you for helping me help our children remember their divinity and remember that we are all in this together. Any contribution you have is super helpful and you know I’ll be sending you some angels and guidance to help you on your journey too!

To support this program, PayPal me @ or contribute to the Go fund me campaign here: