Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nanowrimo challenge - Complete!

I finished the fifty thousand words in thirty day challenge!! But it's not over yet. In fact this is just the beginning. Now the hard part begins, I have to go back through everything I've written and edit it.

The story starts prior to the MC's incarnation when soul agreements are made. Jumping into the body is no easy feat let alone all the other twists and turns until we get to the ending, which of course is happily ever after with the man of her dreams, and the perfect little devil (or angel) children she births.

All in all it was a fun experience, was great practice, and it will take a while to complete.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girlie! I can't wait to read this story.

    I left you an award on my blog. If you want it, just head over there and copy the award and post it on your site. If you have time I would love to see how you answer the 10 questions that goes along with it. But, if you don't have time, then don't worry about it, just put the award on your sidebar, you deserve it!
