Sunday, November 20, 2016

Posted a Flyer = ENORMOUS Migraine

Yesterday I took the leap and posted my Pendy Magic flyer at the organic whole food store in Concord. I was feeling really good about it until this morning.

I woke up quietly crying. Feeling lost, disoriented, confused and alone. A major headache prevented me from wanting to get up and move. When I finally did, I had to perform major major work around me in order to get the headache gone. I was surprised at how much putting myself out there was going to affect me. Actually, I probably knew exactly how it would affect me which explains why I procrastinated so long.

It took a few hours to clear the layers of blocks and discordant energy that blocks the connection with source. Then when I started to replace the cleared space with source energy I had layers of blocks to clear before receiving it. But......that's what I do! That's who I am and what I signed up for, so here we go!! At least I opened the door. Now I get to walk through it. Awe Shit!

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