Monday, January 21, 2019

Here's to Endings (graduating NHI)

I can't believe this but I graduate from National Holistic Institute of Massage Therapy on Friday January 25th!

I have had soooo much fun through this process and am sad to see it behind me. I can't believe I made it through the entire 10 month program, it went fast!

Along the way I met the most amazing people my favorite fellow students; Joe, Nino, Aaron, Jamie, Daniel, Crystal & Tazhane My heart skips when I think about not having them in my everyday space and routine.

In June, while looking for an externship site, I found Erin Wallace with the Modern Mystery School. She ended up initiating me into King Solomon's lineage and a month and a half later I went through an intense Galactic activation with Martina Coogan of the MMS. Erin introduced me to her then assistant, Tia Holmes. I took the keys from Tia and have become a part of Erin's team.

Tia has become my business coach and one of my closest friends. We both came into the world under the same sun sign in 1978.  She introduced me to an Accounting program that I will use with my future clients to save them and make them money. Tia is one of those clients as of this month.

Seth met Liz Curiel at a golf tournament and she became my favorite massage therapist coach. She knows what she is doing when it comes to the body and what it really means to use massage therapeutically. She has now transferred into the role of client and is learning to receive.  I had a lot of fun practicing my confidence and massage skills with her at sporting events and quilting clubs.

I've also aligned with Lorna Johnson (via Tia) who, if I'm not mistaken, just may be part of the crew sent here to rock this world into the New.

I wanted to send a super shout out to the best NHI mentor to ever exist, Franki Menzel. Everytime I think about this angel I laugh. He is my favoritest ever. I don't think I would have made it through this adventure, this gift to myself, without this man in my world.  Thank you Franki. I will love you forever and always.
First client massage in my space

Thai will definitely be incorporated in my work
Hot Stone Therapy on the Chakras

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