Sunday, January 13, 2019

Queens Throne

I am in the process of eliminating everything that does not ignite joy in me. One big one is our dining room chairs, where we all sit for dinner, where I work from my laptop, where the kids draw day after day. The kids pick at the faux leather and they end up looking something like this. 

I asked recently to replace them. I wanted something that made me feel like royalty when I looked at them or sat on them. The next day I found these at a thrift store for $18 a chair.

I was so excited but didn't buy them right then and there. The next day I would go, as soon as Bai's friend was picked up from the sleepover. When she did get picked up, I loaded the kids in the car but then couldn't find my key. I spent the rest of the afternoon searching for them - I looked in the sweater I wore the night before, the pants I had been wearing didn't have pockets so they definitely weren't in there, I did three loads of laundry and organized all the cupboard in the kitchen. By the time I got done at 4:30 I decided I better call the thrift store and ask them to hold the chairs for me until I could get down there. They said the chairs had sold at 2pm. The time I would have been there had I been able to leave when I wanted to. Right after I hung up the phone, I found my key at the bottom of the laundry basket in my bedroom. It had no business being there. I don't use that basket, Seth does. I had nothing of mine in there. I cried. I didn't understand why that had happened. 

It didn't take long for my perception to shift. I know what I had asked for, and those chairs, even at that price, was not what I had asked for.I will find the right set - that was just a little reminder to me of my power. I went and found some sarongs that I've taken on the Green River, which do bring me a lot of Joy and I incorporated them into the chairs. 

I realized that had I purchased those chairs from the store, I would not have had an opportunity to say Thank you and Goodbye to the chairs that have supported us through the last few years. This was the first set Seth had purchased after getting clean. They mean a lot to our family and I truly am grateful. Each person tied a sarong onto their own chair, connecting with it and showing gratitude towards it. I'm glad I had this opportunity to remember what's important. 

AND I look forward to receiving my throne :^)

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