Saturday, December 1, 2018

My Magic Man rocks the fucking house!

I was recently introduced to a truth by my dear friend Tia, whom I have met through this process of working with the geometries. The concept is that of my magic man who lives and is a part of me. When I was 11 I had a dream of a man and I standing side by side completely and totally in love. He was holding a little girl and I was holding a little boy. Waking up from the dream shattered me and I cried uncontrollably because I couldn't hold on to him in this physical form. In every relationship I have ever had I have looked for him and the love that we shared with each other. Male / Female it didn't matter.

This was the last  piece I felt I needed to get to before offering my services out into the world. Once I knew how to master all aspects, I would be ready to share.

My friend said something that made me realize that he lives in me already and has always had my back this entire time. We hold our inner masculine and feminine aspects of our child like essence within us. Once that realization hit, he immediately merged with my physical body and I felt chills throughout my entire body. He is the action, I am the reception. I have been ignoring him behind me and to the right. I knew he was there, I could feel him and often ran the geometries through this part of my being. Finally, I was guided and allowed release of enough so that my friend could point this out to me and I could integrate the information.

Now that I know, the game is fucking on.

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