Sunday, August 3, 2014

Aligning with who I TRULY AM.

I know this is a little weird for some people, but for me it is duber duber exciting. 

My teeth are straightening out, and with them, my life is too. I am clearing out old debt, stabilizing my energetic field both emotionally, physically,mentally, and spiritually. My jaw still has a way to go (as you can see from the bottom teeth lining up with the top teeth).I am excited to see how it pans out.

With my teeth, I am aligning with everything I know that I truly truly am. 



I might be heading into my 40th year on this planet (honestly I'll be 36 at the end of this month so I am still 4 years out - THANK GOD) but I am still having a whole hell of a lot of fun here. Bring it.

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