Sunday, November 11, 2018

Portal 11/11/2018 (2+0+1+8 = 11)

Feeling blessed to be able to watch the blood red sun rise on this day. I am rewriting the scripts in my thoughts and words to align with my goals and taking actions that support the neuroplasticity to take hold in my mechanized brain so that it will submit and assist to my requests.

Sending my love to friends affected by the fires this week. I take responsibility that I wasn't present enough with our earth ship to stop her rage before it got out of hand.


Today I took advantage of the 11/11/11 (2+0+1+8=11) and pushed against my desire to fall back asleep on the couch and took the kids to the gym (I'm trying out a free 7 day pass) where we played racquetball. It was their first experience playing and brought back many childhood memories at the orem rec center with my kid sister and mom.

A few minutes b4 the witching hour of 11:11, we all sat down and stated what we were focusing on with our creative energies. Then we got up, hit the ball (representing our manifestations) against the walls. Focusing on them coming back to us and whacking them again. We laughed through the gateway.

Baileys manifestation, a house on a hill with views near a creek and green grass in the yard. Her golden retriever running around in the yard. My healing house off to the side (I shared my visions with her and she wrapped them into her own manifestation 2💖)

Ashton calls in being super kid and bailey to be healed after the ball nailed her in the eye.

My creation is bringing in a lot of money by helping people make a lot of money and saving money and facilitating their healing by guiding them in releasing those things, habits, behaviours and belief systems that don't serve or support their goals. Of course calling in the house on the hill that is big enough to have our large families there for the holidays and my round circle office off to the right and behind the residence where I will have my healing and accounting practice.

After racquetball, I dropped the kids off at the kids zone and ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes, scanning my body from head to toe for any resistance to reaching my goals. I command all resistance to dissipate through this process. I call in creation through the geometries Now.

P.S. I didn't mean keep your eye on the ball literally, Bailey lol..

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